
Family Therapy & Systemic Constellation Work


A foundational belief of Systemic Constellation Work is that we are all connected.​


Through these profound connections; familial, ancestral and communal, we are affected by the patterns and traumas that extend beyond ourselves. These patterns in us are like a wiring, “on how we do life”. They show up like a heavy burden, addictive behavior, dysfunctional relationships, illness or emotional suffering.

Constellation Work is an intervention on the level of the systemic patterns of connection. By entering what some call, “The Knowing Field”, we access our families and ancestors, a Wisdom that is held there waiting for us to enter, waiting to help us. This Wisdom is felt deeply in the body and Soul.


Our deep longing is met at last in The Knowing Field and healing and resolution appear. It was always there, waiting to be found and upon recognition a door to new possibilities is opened.

Meet Rebecca

For more than thirty years Rebecca has been accompanying individuals and families on their journey of healing and wholeness. As a licensed family therapist specializing in family systems and trauma resolution, she has come to deeply understand human connection: connection to self, other, and to the powerful relationship patterns we receive from our families and ancestors.

“What You Seek, is Seeking You”


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